Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fast Editing Hint #1 Instant access to edit Kickbox files:

Kickbox has been designed to make editing files fast and easy. One way it accomplishes this is with built-in templates.

Another way is to provide fast, easy access to the configuration files. The easier it is to edit your files, the easier it is to make kickbox your own. You shouldn't have to interrupt your work, or your play to to add to or adjust your menu. You should be able to get into the files with just a click or a modified keystroke, make a fast change, save the file, and get out.

So I've included, by default, three ways to access the files fast, using the Kwrite test editor.

1. Keyboard shortcuts.

Ctrl + Shift + F1 opens the menu text file (~/.fluxbox/menu)
Ctrl + Shift + F2 opens the keyboard shortcuts text file (~/.fluxbox)
Ctrl + Shift + F3 opens the Kickpage html file
Ctrl + Shift + F4 opens the startup file (~/.fluxbox.init)*

*planned for the next release, probably in June2008

2. Menu shortcuts

3. Kickpage buttons

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