Monday, May 12, 2008

A Painfully Deatailed Look at The Menu - Introduction

And now, we get to the menu, the guts of the whole thing. Once again, I'm going to provide as much detail as I possibly can, and that's probably more than you're ever going to need. Don't read these posts, study them. Look at the scripts, look at the screenshots, look at the templates, and you ought to be able to figure out how this works with a great deal of ease.

Editing your menu with a text editor may seem archaic, but it can save you a huge amount of time. The best part for me is the portability. If you hold onto the files (I like to periodically upload them to my gmail and yahoo mail accounts) you can use them again and again. For years, I was a confirmed distro hopper and serial reinstaller, and I love to use Linux on old computers. I used the same fluxbox files for a couple of years. Through five computers, approximately a dozen releases of approximately a half-dozen Linux distros, and a series of compulsive reinstalls that must have reached into the hundreds, I was always able to get everything exactly where I wanted it in the time it takes to copy my files to ~/.fluxbox. Five minutes later, I'm all set up and doing my thing.

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